Energy Engineering and Energy Modeling Services
GES offers energy modeling services as a critical aspect of increasing and maintaining energy efficiency in buildings. We use several industry accepted energy modeling tools to build an model for the energy consumption of a facility and compare the results to a baseline which includes all details of the facility being analyzed such as location, local climate data, occupancy, building specs, and operational schedules. This is a critical aspect of modeling the existing or projected energy consumption in a building, since an accurate calibration of the model will ensure an accurate model output.
Energy Modeling Tools:
BIN-based spreadsheet modeling tools
BinMaker PRO
GES has a team of highly skilled energy engineers and consultants who are experts in energy modeling. From whole facility energy simulation to energy conservation measures and energy savings analysis, we offer our expertise in a variety of environments. Energy modeling is a useful tool which can be applied in both projected and existing projects. It helps in gaining a better understanding of a facility’s energy performance, predict energy costs in advance in order to implement energy savings strategies, and offers energy savings quantification during the design phase rather than later.